So Long 5th Grade

The most important thing I learned was how to search a image.My favorite project was the I Wonder project.I was most surprised by how I could search a image.The thing I disliked most was nothing.

That a girl

The Great Depression had hit Chattanooga Tennessee hard.My pop and I use to play catch until he lost his job.I heard Timmy playing baseball outside with his friends.I went to see if he would let me play with him and his friends.He said no you’re a girl.April 1,1931 the lookouts where to play against the New York Yankees,but do to floading of the town the game was canceled.The lookouts had a girl pitcher,her name was Jackie Mitchell.She was 17 years old.The game was played the next day.Jackie was able to strike out Babe Ruth.The next day after school Timmy said batter up.


I know how the people felt when they got taxed befor the Boston Tea Party.The candy was the money and had nothing left.I felt really sad.

2014 2015

Being with family for Christmas like my Nana,sister,Mom,Dad,Aunt,Uncle,Popal,Momal.I like to spend time with my family during Christmas and I will treasure every mouments of that time for the rest of my life.I wishing that for 2015 I will accomplish my goal for going to the next grade for 6th grade,next year.

Happy Mother’s Day

My mom is special because she gave me her love. She is special because she is my mom. She is special because she is the nicest mother. She is special because she got a Fish tank and fish. She is special because she took me to the zoo. She is special because she gave birth to me.

ROW Your Site

Seahorses live every were in the sea. There are all kinds of seahorses. The femal seahorses puts the eeg’s in to the pocket. There are over 200 egg’s.    This came from